Radio Frequency is a cutting edge treatment to target signs of ageing. Radio frequency treatments help reduce wrinkles and fine lines, to help you feel and look younger and healthier without the recovery time needed after a more invasive treatment.
AW3® radiofrequency technologies are used to tighten and induce collagen production for skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, acne scarring and to minimize pores.
The radio frequency produces two or three currents depending on whether it is Bipolar or Tripolar which alternate high and low frequency currents no less than a thousand times per second. This causes the water molecules in your tissues to twist and vibrate. This motion causes friction, which creates heat at very specific
areas deep in your skin. This heat promotes blood circulation to tighten the skin. At the same time ultrasound gel is applied to cool the surface of the skin.
Most of Radio Frequency energy enters into the deeper dermal layer, so that deeper layers of skin can be heated up to between 45℃ and 60℃. The dermal layer of the skin becomes thicker with the new collagen production and the wrinkles are pushed out, so the skin becomes firmer and the contours are lifted.
This heat subsequently generates a focused healing response that can take up to 4 months to complete, which realigns and regenerates collagen in your skin to replace aging, sagging skin with fresher, younger skin.
AW3 generally tightens; smooths and re-contours your skin from the inside out, which also rejuvenates skin firmness and texture.
There is no pain or discomfort during the radio frequency procedure. A mild warm sensation is the most
someone can feel during the treatment.
Radio frequency waves heat the skin cells. This thickens the dermal layer of the skin boosting collagen. Collagen pushes wrinkles out, making the skin firmer and lifting contours.
We offer a free one to one consultation, where you can discuss any concerns, including your suitability for the radio frequency treatment.
A typical radio frequency treatment lasts 40 minutes.
This is a nonsurgical treatment and you won’t need time to recuperate after.
Mild redness sometimes occurs but this goes within 24 hours.