Ultrasonic Cavitation is an aesthetic body shaping and contouring treatment using AW3® ultrasonic-cavitation technology to converts fat cells into liquid which can then be naturally drained by the body’s lymphatic system. Cavitation is an excellent treatment for customers that want to reshape the body for cellulite reduction and fat loss in areas with localised fat such as the thighs, abdomen, flanks and buttocks
The Science of Ultrasonic Cavitation
The AW3® cavitation handle transmits low level ultrasonic waves. The compression and expansion of the ultrasonic waves travel at high-speeds that cause many micro-bubbles to enlarge. As these micro bubbles expand and contract the shock waves to the fat cells can no longer endure the pressure and explode. The fat explodes into liquid that is then easily removed from the body by the lymphatic and urinary system.
Cavitation is painless, mild redness may occasionally appear but is highly unlikely to cause any actual pain. The heat from the handle felt during the treatment is entirely tolerable.
Ultrasound cavitation causes the fat cells to become liquid which makes it easier to leave the body through the lymphatic and urinary system.
We recommend 2 sessions per week, 8 in total per area. Any more than this (per week) and the body wouldn’t have time to eliminate the fat.
Depending on the size of the area, treatments typically take between 20 and 40 minutes.
This is a nonsurgical treatment and you won’t need time to recuperate after.
Mild redness sometimes occurs but this goes within 24 hours.